Have you ever wondered “Does my business need to get a server?” When you really start considering this, here are a few of things you might want to think about. Do we need to be able to access files from remote locations? Are we concerned whether our files are being backed up? Are any of our files updated by several people regularly? If you said yes to any of these, there is a good chance a small business server is for you.Over at Startupnation there is a good article on the reasons you might want to buy a small business server. Here are a few key reasons from the article listed below.[starlist]
- Prevent a lack of or improve data coordination between employees.
- Backups make data loss an inconvenience rather than a disaster.
- Protecting your data with anti-virus and anti-spam applications.
- Regulate data access to employees and non-employees.
- The possibility of hosting your own website.
[/starlist]Still not sure if your business is ready for this step? Sometimes it’s just best to call those with the knowledge and experience to help you make your decision. At ScaleIT, we can assess your business and help you set up a server that will serve your company well for years to come.