How to budget for an in-house web marketing team

Often, businesses struggle with whether to keep web marketing in-house or hand over the web marketing responsibilities to an agency. While there are pros ...

Often, businesses struggle with whether to keep web marketing in-house or hand over the web marketing responsibilities to an agency. While there are pros and cons to each, one big consideration is the cost. Let’s break down the cost of hiring and maintaining an in-house web marketing team.


The main cost associated with in-house marketing is the staff required. At a minimum, you will most likely need a marketing director, website specialist, and social media specialist. Even with those people, your team will be extremely busy. It is very likely that you will need more than three people. Those three people will be in charge of developing the website, designing the website, keeping up with search engine optimization efforts, and managing social media. Depending on the level of experience of your team and the size of your business, you are looking at paying the marketing director $50,000 to $80,000 a year, and the other employees $30,000 to $60,000 a year. If you are unable to support the salaries of an in-house marketing team, you may want to consider hiring a web marketing firm.

Technical Support

The technical infrastructure of an in-house marketing team requires is not inexpensive. Website domain names, like ones from GoDaddy, must be purchased, as well as development and design software. Computers must be up-to-date and well supported by the IT team. Often, social media specialists require paid accounts with social media management tools, like HootSuite. All of these things eventually add up.

ScaleWEB offers web marketing services at a fixed monthly rate. If you have questions about our managed web services or about building a marketing team in-house, contact us. Find us on Facebook and Twitter for helpful information, giveaways, and discussions.


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