The 1 thing every business leader needs to know about social networking.

There is a seemingly endless supply of resources and opinions about business social networking available today. So much so, that it can be daunting ...

There is a seemingly endless supply of resources and opinions about business social networking available today. So much so, that it can be daunting for those just getting started. And often this leads to missteps and mixed results.

There is, however, a simple way to make any path you choose a good path.

One simple concept that single-handedly defines the reason behind everything you do online, especially social networks.

The simple truth.

This whole Internet thing is about relationships. Take it or leave it. Like it or lump it. The Internet doesn’t care how you feel about it.

Relationships. The reason to do everything you do.

If this is news to you, don’t feel bad. A great deal of people, including many business leaders, are still in the dark on this one. But don’t feel too good either, because not everyone is in the dark.

Of course.

You may be thinking “everybody knows relationships are critical in business. What does that have to do with social networks?”

It means you must judge everything you do online by how it helps you build relationships.

The Facebook example.

If you think you don’t need a Facebook presence, you may have skipped an earlier paragraph. If you have a Facebook page, or plan to have one soon, how do you gauge the success of the page?

If you said “Likes,” then I have some Likes I can sell you. Well, actually I don’t. But you really can buy them online.

Right about now, the value of the relationship rule should be obvious. What good are a bunch of Likes if not one of them does business with you?

To know if your Facebook page is truly adding value to your relationships, measure performance by the number of interactions you get. It’s a great way to know if you’re reaching anyone.

Put relationships first.

Then you know you’re doing it right.

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