Our team makes customer service the #1 goal each and every day. To get the most out of our managed IT services, we recommend five tips that will get your IT problems solved quickly and efficiently.
When it comes to solving our clients’ IT problems, our entire team depends on the effective management of our ticketing system. From the onset to the resolution of an issue, we communicate with you primarily through these tickets so that everyone has a constant status update. Some of the nicest features of this system aren’t as well-known and utilized, so we recommend following these five tips to get the most out of our managed IT services:
1. Use Tickets
Tickets always come first on our list of priorities each day. Before we check emails, phone messages, or smoke signals, we review our tickets. Calling us during business hours instead of submitting a ticket is good for emergencies, or situations when email isn’t working but only one person at a time can talk to an IT support technician. Tickets, on the other hand, can be escalated, if required, or worked remotely immediately. Some IT issues we can even work through in the background without needing to remotely access your PC!
2. Update Tickets
When you have a open ticket, you can see our updates and we can also see yours! If you need to give us an quick update on an ongoing issue, just send a reply email to the ticket update and it flags the ticket for our review.
3. Re-Open Tickets
Even if you have received a “This ticket is closed” email from us regarding a particular issue, all you have to do is reply to that email and it re-opens the ticket. This is great for tracking a particular problem, as we may see patterns when this happens or glean other information without having to take a lot of time reviewing multiple individual tickets you may have sent us. This also lets us see that if this issue keeps coming back easily, we know to do a more in-depth investigation.
4. Add People
Multiple people in your office can receive a ticket update. Just let us know in an update that you would like another team member added to the conversation, and we can easily add other users to the ticket. They can then see and reply to the ticket updates as well! This concept works well if there is an issue several people are experiencing or if one person doesn’t want to hold all of the responsibility for updating our team. We understand that you get busy, and we want to make sure our managed IT services are convenient and helpful, but never cumbersome.
5. Give Details
Details are critical for tickets. We cannot fix specific aspects of a problem we are not aware of. We need to know when it happened, what you were doing, what program were you using, and if this is a repeating issue, how often it occurs and when did it all start. These kinds of details can help us narrow our search into finding the resolution and significantly reduce the amount of time it takes us fix the issue and let you get back to work.
If you have questions about our managed IT services, contact the Scale team!
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