A cybersecurity risk assessment can determine your network vulnerabilities while providing accountability and an effective strategy for addressing potential cyber threats that can negatively impact your business.
The list of cyber threats and vulnerabilities grows exponentially every year, and as new threats come to light, cybersecurity consulting firms around the nation are assessing the risk associated with these new ways of compromising a network. We are just over halfway through 2016, and Kaspersky researchers have analyzed data from their cloud networks that show from April 2015 to March 2016, crypto-ransomware encountered by businesses has jumped 500%. That’s an outrageous leap, but it’s not the only threat to your network. A cybersecurity company in Little Rock with proven experience can help your business prepare for current and future cyber threats with a cybersecurity risk assessment.
Determining Your Business’s Strengths and Weaknesses
So how do you determine what a threat is, how it will affect your organization, and what the potential impact could be on your business? How can you reduce cost, while still increasing the security posture of your company’s network and ensuring up-time?[wpex more=”Read more” less=”Read less”] A cybersecurity risk assessment can provide an overview of your company’s strengths and weaknesses. With a risk assessment in-hand, you have an effective guideline on how your company can proceed with remediation. It is all too common that a business, when faced with remediation, miscalculates resources when planning the project. This leads to increased costs, missed deadlines, and when your project is complete, the solutions in place could be less effective for your IT infrastructure.
Defining Potential Cybersecurity Threats
A cybersecurity company will implement a process of scanning, identifying, and categorizing your company’s services; threats to your network can be defined more accurately when it comes to the impact they would have on your business. For example, your company’s email server is crucial to servicing your customers. If the server is found to be outdated and hold multiple vulnerabilities, a cybersecurity risk assessment can help you hone in on the critical issues that would bring your email service down, making the most serious threats to your organization its first priority. At that point, less significant threats that would not bring down your email system are handled next in your remediation plan. In the end, your email system is secure, but in a way that will fit your organization’s needs.
Focusing on Budget and Risk
Another key advantage of a cybersecurity risk assessment is the ability to propose the project in a way that helps executive decision makers focus on two key aspects of the project: budget and risk. IT personnel and executive decision makers speak two different languages when it comes to tech-based projects. A cybersecurity risk assessment can bring all departments together so all involved can focus on protecting your brand, avoiding service disruptions, and defining risk tolerance – the amount of risk that is acceptable for your organization. Once complete, executive decision makers can feel assured that accountability is set for tasks within the project and needless expenses are kept in check.
A cybersecurity risk assessment should be a key process when evaluating your company’s initial security concerns and when you are going through the process of remediation. Companies tend to think a risk assessment is part of their overhead project cost, when in fact it can save your company money and time. Risk analysis helps you manage project budgets more effectively, provides accountability during remediation, and helps focus your efforts on the critical issues. With this process in place, no matter the approach you take in remediation, it can save your business precious dollars in the long run.
If your business wants to be prepared for any potential cyber threats with a comprehensive cyber security risk assessment, contact the IT security experts at Scale by calling 501-588-3199 to set up a consultation.